The purpose of gingival graft also known as a gum graft, is to create an adequate amount of attached gum tissue to reduce the likelihood of further gum recession. Another purpose for this procedure may be to cover exposed root surfaces, to enhance the appearance of the teeth and gum line, or to prevent or treat root sensitivity or root decay.


For years, patients have depended on us to provide this valuable service.We offer this and other specialized options to anyone in need of a Periodontist they can trust. The team at Ukiah Periodontics is dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and medical integrity with every single patient.


LANAP-Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure

Dr. Morarasu uses a minimally invasive alternative treatment to traditional Periodontal Surgery. Laser treatment involves no cutting or suturing and will help experience a faster, easier recovery with minimal postoperative pain, bleeding and swelling.

Reports are showing that LANAP results are similar to and sometimes better than traditional osseous surgery and with fewer side effects. Patients appreciate that there is little discomfort. Retrospective studies show that in 90% of the cases pockets are reduced by at least 50%. Histology shows there is true bone regeneration most of the time.

Doctor Morarasu was fortunate to be trained in LANAP with Doctor Raymond Yukna, who has done major research on LANAP. 

For additional information please visit the LANAP web site.


Tratamiento LANAP/laser


Dr. Morarasu utiliza un tratamiento alternativo mínimamente Invasivo a la cirugía periodontal tradicional. El tratamiento láser no involucra cortes o suturas, por lo tanto, permite una recuperación más rápida y fácil con un mínimo de dolor postoperatorio, sangrado e hinchazón.


Los informes muestran que los resultados de LANAP son similares a, y a veces mejor que, cirugía ósea tradicional y con menos efectos secundarios. Los pacientes aprecian que hay molestias menores. Estudios retrospectivos muestran que en el 90% de los casos, los bolsillos se reducen por lo menos 50%. La histología muestra que hay verdadera regeneración de hueso la mayor parte del tiempo.


Doctor Morarasu tuvo la suerte de ser entrenado en LANAP con el Doctor Raymond Yukna, que ha realizado importantes investigaciones sobre LANAP. A continuación, se muestra una representación esquemática del procedimiento.


Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de LANAP .